Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Making Derby Makers

The Derby Makers started as a show and tell last September at the iconic Derby Silk Mill. In the last year they've grown from a handful of folk to become a real handful of a group intent on putting together a Mini Maker Faire and Yarn Bombing everything in site!

They meet every second Tuesday for a group event and their numbers are growing all the time.

Last night they met for the first time to decide their constitution, and elect their committee and officers.

Twelve brave soles attended the meeting, summarised by the @derbymakers tweet 
"So we’ve got a knitter, an illustrator, a jet engine builder, a computer science lecturer and a frustrated engineer with us tonight!"

The image above captured part of my arm, my beverage and my pride and joy, taken along to show to the group after my triumphant first day's cutting.

The first ten minutes were spent discussing the logo... we were all fearful of late night! However the pace picked up a bit after that and they got down to the business of discussing the points of the constitution. Lots of valid points were made and the draft ended the night with some significant annotations and very valid new points. 

All members present agreed to be the steering committee of 12 for the Derby Maker Group and set about electing the officers. Of which I was made one, the treasurer. A role that will work hard to do a good job of, considering there was some competition for the post! 

So that was another step in the making of Derby Makers. I'm confident that the committee around the table are committed and capable of making the Derby Makers into an even more amazing group to be a part of, a group that will be indispensable to the Derby Silk Mill and a group that will represent the best of the making scene in the UK and globally.


Chris said...

Good luck with it all Ben. For what felt like ages, BuildBrighton had just a core membership of a dozen or so regulars, but we're flying now! It won't be long before you're looking for premises and building a cool, exciting hackspace somewhere in Derby, surely?

Unknown said...

Derby Makers is a strange one really, the premises was there before the group! Although the Silk Mill will probably never be a true Maker Space / Hackspace with 24/7 access. Exciting times though!