Thursday, 9 August 2012

Lush Visit...

Don't know how long this is going to last, a blog post a day for three days. Suppose it's starting to make up for the two years without one.

Yesterday Iain Sharpe of Lush Projects (or @alphabetter as he's known to the twitter sphere) came round for a cup of tea. It was a long overdue visit as he had planned to come and visit us in the cosy LED Shed some time back, it would seem we've all been busy though and it's much easier having visitors here to the Workshop.

Iain got our now standard tour, where I show people draws full of LEDs, Arduinos and other goodies and as usual something caught his eye. Since they could be for his next world domination project I won't link the item.

We sat down for our cups of tea around my spectacularly cluttered desk and had a look at Iain's projects, his world famous Vibrati Punk Console 

and his new project the LushOne modular synthesiser, which comes beautifully clad in Acrylic.

They are, for me, fantastically fun items, but to the musically minded I'm sure they are far more interesting. They are exceptionally well made and the Punk Console is a nice easy solder with less than 60 joints and comes with really sturdy pots so they wont break during a hard jamming session. The LushOne would be a bit of a labour of love, a good hour's soldering for the experienced solderer but well worth it as it is pregnant with musical possibilities. 

We spent the rest of the visit discussing the joy of making kits and their various logistical intricacies. Something we hope we're going to be able to help Iain and others with. The eagle eyed amongst you will have also noticed another kit nestled by my keyboard, awaiting some TLC from a hot soldering iron.

We wrapped up and I was left a Vibrati Punk Console to try and we hope we'll be able to stock them in the near future. At last I have something to do with my old Illy coffee tins!

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