Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Office Dogs - because we're a trendy start up!

It would seem to be all the rage to have office dogs. I only learned of the practice on hearing the sad news of Tatler's office dog Alan, who it would seem came to an unfortunate end on a chance meeting with a revolving door. Still we don't have a revolving door so I decided to get not just one but two dogs to improve life at The Workshop (that's what phenoptix international HQ is called). They seem to have settled in well enough! May I introduce you to Lilly and Dillon.

For the record they aren't really office dogs, they're my dogs, they live with me and my family at The House (I'm creative when it comes to naming spaces). They're having more time than usual with me at The Workshop as we're having some work done at The House, but I think we'll have them back at the office a bit more often as it's nice to have them around. 

Also I think a ball thrower should be added to the projects list, like the one that's doing the rounds on social media at the moment (I know it's an old video by the way as my wife and I have watched every Dachshund video on youtube). If you want to help feed the office dogs, buy some stuff from us at

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